Primary search launched in the month of January 2023.
The project is aimed at buyers and sellers in the field of real estate. Our platform is simplified and aimed at all users who want to sell their property or buy one from an agency or owner!
Our platform also provides information about properties from other sources (other sites).
We also have agents (intermediaries) who can choose listings according to your criteria or make contact with sellers and give you more information.
If you choose to work through our agents, you will have to pay a commission that the agent determines and is individual for each property and where it is located!
You can advertise your listings on our site through the PayPal option, so your listings will be displayed at the top above all others. (an option you’ve already seen elsewhere)
Also, with us you will find a news section with information about all localities and complexes in and around Burgas and Varna. Including Sunny Beach, Saint Vlas, Golden Sands and etc…
If you have any questions, email us at or use contact form –
